Our purpose is to promote the study and practice of calligraphy,
to encourage individual excellence, to foster a wider appreciation and deeper understanding of calligraphy, its history and applications.
In existence for fifty years, our membership is international with our core strength in San Francisco, California where our workshops and events are hosted. The society sponsors classes, workshops, lectures, exhibitions, a Spring Retreat, and a Holiday Party. Publications include a membership directory, the journal, Alphabet, published four times a year, and the Bulletin, published four times a year.
We invite you to support the art of calligraphy and join the Friends.
Ward Dunham
It is with great sadness that I report honorary member of Friends of Calligraphy, Ward Dunham, the man with the knack for black, passed away Saturday, August 24. He was kind, generous, of good report, and reliably irreverent. A founding member of the New York Society of Scribes and the Friends of Calligraphy, Ward taught blackletter hands for decades and was a fixture at many conferences. His early training in Special Forces stressed the importance of keeping on one’s person those things essential for survival. That practice was maintained by Ward for the rest of his life. Included among his essentials were his military survival knife that he would use to craft beautiful bamboo pens, several sources of fire to melt sealing wax, seals, vintage fountain pens, and postcards for his daily practice of writing them to keep touch with his legions of friends worldwide. A true original, he will be remembered and missed by all who knew him.
Judy Detrick
Work by member Cassandra Wilson
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