- Our new History Page contains documents and photos of milestones in our calligraphy journey, such as our first newsletter in booklet form and our first Picnic.
- Our latest gastronomic outing was at Tilden Park. Photos of the event are on our Facebook page.
- Speaking of food, one of our projects is a 50th Anniversary FOC Cookbook and the deadline to submit your recipe is January 5th. Here are the submission guidelines and if you have questions or need help, contact Marcia Friedman who is leading this project. We’ll see delights such as Georgia Deaver’s chocolate chip cookies and more.
- We just launched a fabulous Interview Series with Founding and Early Members of the Friends of Calligraphy as part of our 50th Anniversary celebrations. Also, we recently added a Panel Discussion with the Alphabet Editors.
Check them out on YouTube.
- You may have seen the 50th anniversary Instructional Video Series on our FOC YouTube channel. New videos are published monthly.
- In other FOC media, here’s an Instagram post about Bill Davidson, which is part of our celebration Social Media Early Member Series.
More information is on the the Washington Calligraphers Guild's website.
We are now 50! Happy birthday FOC!
Read about our 50th Anniversary activities below.